Ni sape ntah suh aku isi..bodoh je..
nasib mood aku baik..haha
01. Classes you've been in throughout highschool;
- SMK Komp Gong Badak->1Al-Ghazali ->1Ibnu Sina
-MRSM Kota Putra ->1C
-MRSM Kuala Terengganu ->1B
02. Favourite teacher(s) throughout highschool;
- erm..Teacher Hayani(Kopu)Cg Azham ngan Ust Jaamat(Kaytee)
03.Favourite subject/subjects
- Science kot
04. Describe your school uniform;
-Time kat SMKKGB,cam bese la,bju putih,seluar hijau gelap ngan tie warna hitam.
Kopu ngan KayTee,bju warna beige ngan sluar koko.tie berbelang merah gelap/
05.Describe your school's badge;
-erm..xde pape kot..ada alat radas kt makmal..huhu
06. Favourite canteen food & drink;
- erm..DS xbest!!!haha...
07. Best part of your school;
- erm..lam kelas kot..jumpa awek:P
08. Does your school have a library;
- panggil PSP..ekeke..
09. Ever been in the afternoon session;
-im in boarding skul,so,prep time!
10. Describe your school's location;
- dalam bandar.
11. What colour is your school;
- ntah..academic block bru,warna coco..yg lame,putih biru dan untuk asrama pun sama.
12. How many floors;
- 3
13. What floor is/was your class on;
- erm..
kelas,time kat kopu..tingkat 2..kaytee,tgkt 3..
14. Do you know the words to your school song;
- haha...
stakat yang ingat..
`wahai putra putri bangsaku
ayuh segera menuju
mengikut rentak langkah maju
bersatu mencari ilmu
dizaman sains dan teknologi
negara perlukan jasamu
jangan rasa malas lagi.
hari ini hari mulanya
hari esok berjaya
tingkat segala yang ada
ke kuliah kita segera!!!'
15. Do you like your school song;
- xkot..haha
16. Most annoying teacher/teachers;
- ada ah kot..warden..
dtg asrama malam2..suh student tido awal.
17. Coolest teacher/teachers;
- banyak laa..huhu
18. Preetiest teacher/teachers;
- yea.. kak su kot.:P
19. Noisiest teacher/teachers;
- ikgu liza kot..ekeke
20. Do you like going to school;
- of coz!
21. What sports house were you in;
- erm..biru *rahman*kopu *TM kaytee*
22.Which house won this year's sports day;
- ntah..TM kot
23. Take part in;
- RUGBY!ikut abg..haha
24. Best highschool memory;
- Kay tee la kot
25. Ever been called to the principle's office;
- Never
26.Ever been caught with anything illegal during a spot check?
bwk enset ada laa kot
27. Ever smoke at dorm?
- x pernah...abg marah..haha
28. Ever been meet with school's counsellor;
- x
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Hari ini aku..
kertas aku ilang...
memang *^%#$# lah menatang mane amek tuh..
kejadian berlaku di library awam kt tganu..
jam menunjukkan kul 8..
aku mula bergerak dengan kereta estima..
yang dipandu oleh bapakku...
sampai sahaja..
aku tidak berfoya-foya..
aku terus mengeluarkan kertas kajang dan alat tulis..
terus aku buat kerja aku di aras 2..
dalam 4-5 jam..
aku berhenti buat masa yang agak lama..
dalam 20 minit..
aku relaks2..
aku pun menindihkan kertas tuh ngan pencil case aku..
aku pun mencari buku di rak2 yang disediakan..
lantas aku kembali..
aku melihat..
kertasku hilang..
aku terngangaa...
dalam hati aku`&*&^%$% menate mane amek kertas aku neh..'
aku begitu sesal..
ape aku nk jawab ngan cikgu nnt..
`danial,mano kertas kijo awok yang sayo suroh buat tu,bakpo awok tok buat..'kate2 yang bakal cikgu liza keluarkan nnt..
kata2 aku pula`kertas saya di...'aku xdapat menyambung ayat kerana cikgu potong dlu..
`sayo tok kiro..sayo nok jugok kijo sayo..'
aku malas dh nk bwat..
nadd,,help me...huhuh
memang *^%#$# lah menatang mane amek tuh..
kejadian berlaku di library awam kt tganu..
jam menunjukkan kul 8..
aku mula bergerak dengan kereta estima..
yang dipandu oleh bapakku...
sampai sahaja..
aku tidak berfoya-foya..
aku terus mengeluarkan kertas kajang dan alat tulis..
terus aku buat kerja aku di aras 2..
dalam 4-5 jam..
aku berhenti buat masa yang agak lama..
dalam 20 minit..
aku relaks2..
aku pun menindihkan kertas tuh ngan pencil case aku..
aku pun mencari buku di rak2 yang disediakan..
lantas aku kembali..
aku melihat..
kertasku hilang..
aku terngangaa...
dalam hati aku`&*&^%$% menate mane amek kertas aku neh..'
aku begitu sesal..
ape aku nk jawab ngan cikgu nnt..
`danial,mano kertas kijo awok yang sayo suroh buat tu,bakpo awok tok buat..'kate2 yang bakal cikgu liza keluarkan nnt..
kata2 aku pula`kertas saya di...'aku xdapat menyambung ayat kerana cikgu potong dlu..
`sayo tok kiro..sayo nok jugok kijo sayo..'
aku malas dh nk bwat..
nadd,,help me...huhuh
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Dia pergi
aku menerima satu mesej dari dia.
waktu itu..
aku sedang menonton cerita hell boy 3.cite lame..
tetiba,satu meseg sampai.
dalam 20 saat,aku membukanya.
aku terkejut kambing kerana rakan baikku..
yang selama ni selalu ngan aku kat maktab..
akan berpindah ke sekolah lain..
aku tidak percaya..
seakan2..dia tidak akan lagi bertemu dengan aku..
jika kawan ku membaca entri aku ini..
aku nk mohon maaf..kalo aku ada wat salah..
0-0 keyh..
aku menerima satu mesej dari dia.
waktu itu..
aku sedang menonton cerita hell boy 3.cite lame..
tetiba,satu meseg sampai.
dalam 20 saat,aku membukanya.
aku terkejut kambing kerana rakan baikku..
yang selama ni selalu ngan aku kat maktab..
akan berpindah ke sekolah lain..
aku tidak percaya..
seakan2..dia tidak akan lagi bertemu dengan aku..
jika kawan ku membaca entri aku ini..
aku nk mohon maaf..kalo aku ada wat salah..
0-0 keyh..
Saturday, December 6, 2008
About monsoon cup..
aku akan gtau sket pasal games sailing ni..
ramai antara kita ni xtau camne nk mne sailing ni.
bila aku tanya.`pesal xgi tgk monsoon cup?'
mereka berkata dengan megah`alah.bosan ah..'
sebenarnya,mereka ni xtau camne nk men dan tgk games tu..huhu..
now,aku akan gtau serba sdikit mengenai games ni dan camne nk men..haha..
When two boats are on the starting line, the race is called match racing. Match racing has its own set of rules, which are slightly different from the regular racing rules, that create very close, aggressive competition in which collisions are certainly not rare.
Match racing also has on-the-water judging, with umpires doling out "instant justice" on the water.
Match racing is tremendously exciting to participate in. And, unlike watching other sailing competitions, match racing can be thrilling to watch. Before the start, the boats vie for control, circling each other and trying to wipe each other off on spectator boats in an elaborate game of cat and mouse.
Abeam:at right angles to the boat.
Aft: toward the stern; opposite of forward.
Back:to trim a sail windward so that it fills with wind backward
Backstay:the support wire between the top of the mast and the back of the boat
Beam:the width of the boat at any point; also the side of the boat.
Bear away:to turn away from the wind (or to turn to leeward).
Bearing: the angle to an object measured in compass or relative degrees.
Boom: the horizontal pole that supports the bottom edge of the mainsail.
Bow:the front of the boat.
By the lee:sailing downwind with the wind coming over the same side of the boat as the boom is trimmed, which can cause an accidental jibe.
Clew:the aft, bottom corner of a sail.
Close-hauled: the closest course to the wind that you can effectively sail. Also called sailing upwind, on the wind or beating.
Cockpit: the area where the crew sits to operate the boat.
Deck: the top of the hull.
Downwind:(1) a run, but can mean any point of sail when the wind is aft of the beam (2) the direction the wind is blowing toward.
Flight: a group or series of races
Foot: (1) the bottom edge of a sail. (2) to sail slightly lower than close-hauled in order to go faster.
Forestay: the support wre that runs from the mast down to the bow.
Genoa: a large jib that overlaps the mast.
Grommet: a small plastic or metal ring pressed or sewn into a sail, creating a hole.>
Head: the top corner of any sail.
Head up: to turn the boat toward the wind (or windward).
Heavy air:strong winds.
Helm:(1) the wheel or tiller - the steering device. (2) A technical word for the balance of forces on the rudder. (3) the position of the helmsman on the boat.
Helmsman:the driver or skipper of the boat.
Hull:the body of the boat.
Jib:the most common headsail.
Jibe:to change tacks by turning away from the wind.
Keel: A fixed, ballasted center fin that keeps the boat from sideslipping and provides stability to prevent capsizing or tipping over.
Knot: (1) nautical mile (6,076 feet) per hour.
Layline: the line beyond which you can lay (make) the destination on a close-hauled course with no more tacks.
Leech: the back edge of a sail.
Leeward: downwind; away from the wind.
Luff: (1) the front edge of a sail from the head to the tack. (2) The flapping motion of sailcloth when a sail is undertrimmed (or not trimmed at all).
Mainsail:the aft-most sail on a boat with one mast, normally attached to the mast along its front edge.
Mainsheet:the adjustment rope that pulls the boom (hence the mainsail) in and out.
Mast: the vertical pole that supports sails.
No-sail zone:Zone where a sailboat can't sail; about 90 degrees wide, with the center point being toward the true wind direction.
Port tack:Sailing with the wind coming over the left side of the boat.
Puff:An increase in wind velocity.
Rig:(1) the mast and standing rigging. (2) a term for preparing the boat (or sail or fitting) for use.
Rudder: the underwater fin that steers a boat; controlled by a tiller or wheel on deck.
Sheet: the primary line that adjusts the sail's trim. Usually referred to with the sail it adjusts, as in, "Pull in the mainsheet."
Spinnaker:a big, colorful, parachute-like specialty sail used when sailing downwind.
Standard rigging:all the wires that support the mast, including the forestay, shrouds and backstay.
Starboard tack: sailing with the wind coming over the boat's right side.
Stern: the back end of the boat.
Tack:(1) the front, bottom corner of a sail. (2) the boat's heading in relation to the wind (that is on starboard or port tack) (3) to change tacks by turning toward the wind, entering the no-sail zone from one side and exiting on the other.
Tiller: the lever arm that controls the position of the rudder.
Tiller extension:a device attached to the end of the tiller that enables a person to sit farther outboard while steering.
Trim:(1) to pull in a rope or a sail. (2) the set of sails. (3) the bow-up or bow-down position of the boat when not moving.
Windward:toward the wind; the side the wind blows upon.
Wing the jib:when sailing on a run, to trim the job on the opposite side as the mainsail.
so,rajin2kanlah diri anda mempelajari sesuatu yang baru
aku akan gtau sket pasal games sailing ni..
ramai antara kita ni xtau camne nk mne sailing ni.
bila aku tanya.`pesal xgi tgk monsoon cup?'
mereka berkata dengan megah`alah.bosan ah..'
sebenarnya,mereka ni xtau camne nk men dan tgk games tu..huhu..
now,aku akan gtau serba sdikit mengenai games ni dan camne nk men..haha..
General Rules
- When the wind comes across the sides of the boats in opposite direction, the boat with the wind on the left (port) side gives way to the boat with the wind on the right (starboard) side.
- When the wind comes across the same side of the boats and there is no overlapping, the boat behind (astern) must keep clear.
- When the wind comes across the same side of the boats and there is overlapping, the boat on the leeward (downwind) side of the other has the right-of-way.
- Umpires follow each race and make instant penalty decisions. A boat (colour flag on back) with a penalty (colored ball on umpire boat) must do a 360-degree penalty turm before the finish.
- The start is critical: A 5-minute gun signals the beginning of an intricate, furious pre-match duel, with the two boats engaging in a furious one-on-one battle to gain the leading position on the race course.
- Windward Leg: On the course the boats commence an upwind battle; the lead boat spilling turbulent air off its sails to slow the boat behind. Furious tacking is likely to ensue with the latter trying to force a crew error to rob their aggressor of the advantage. The end of the first windward leg provides an opportunity for the trailing boat to seize the edge by creating an inside overlap within two lengths of the mark, forcing the lead to allow room which usually means relinquishing its place.]
- Downwind Run: On the downwind run the trailing boat has a chance to attack from behind, positioning itself so it's spinnaker casts a wind shadow over the leader. To escape, the boat may gibe away, creating heart-pounding onboard action - and spectacular sailing - as each crew furiously swings spinnakers from side to side.
- Dropping the Spinnaker: At the bottom mark the same overlap rules apply and the action intensifies as crews drop the spinnaker and prepare the boat for the next leg while the skipper jostles for position.
- To the Finish: Once more around the course and the battle is over. Often the winner is not determined until the final few boat lengths.
When two boats are on the starting line, the race is called match racing. Match racing has its own set of rules, which are slightly different from the regular racing rules, that create very close, aggressive competition in which collisions are certainly not rare.
Match racing also has on-the-water judging, with umpires doling out "instant justice" on the water.
Match racing is tremendously exciting to participate in. And, unlike watching other sailing competitions, match racing can be thrilling to watch. Before the start, the boats vie for control, circling each other and trying to wipe each other off on spectator boats in an elaborate game of cat and mouse.
Abeam:at right angles to the boat.
Aft: toward the stern; opposite of forward.
Back:to trim a sail windward so that it fills with wind backward
Backstay:the support wire between the top of the mast and the back of the boat
Beam:the width of the boat at any point; also the side of the boat.
Bear away:to turn away from the wind (or to turn to leeward).
Bearing: the angle to an object measured in compass or relative degrees.
Boom: the horizontal pole that supports the bottom edge of the mainsail.
Bow:the front of the boat.
By the lee:sailing downwind with the wind coming over the same side of the boat as the boom is trimmed, which can cause an accidental jibe.
Clew:the aft, bottom corner of a sail.
Close-hauled: the closest course to the wind that you can effectively sail. Also called sailing upwind, on the wind or beating.
Cockpit: the area where the crew sits to operate the boat.
Deck: the top of the hull.
Downwind:(1) a run, but can mean any point of sail when the wind is aft of the beam (2) the direction the wind is blowing toward.
Flight: a group or series of races
Foot: (1) the bottom edge of a sail. (2) to sail slightly lower than close-hauled in order to go faster.
Forestay: the support wre that runs from the mast down to the bow.
Genoa: a large jib that overlaps the mast.
Grommet: a small plastic or metal ring pressed or sewn into a sail, creating a hole.>
Head: the top corner of any sail.
Head up: to turn the boat toward the wind (or windward).
Heavy air:strong winds.
Helm:(1) the wheel or tiller - the steering device. (2) A technical word for the balance of forces on the rudder. (3) the position of the helmsman on the boat.
Helmsman:the driver or skipper of the boat.
Hull:the body of the boat.
Jib:the most common headsail.
Jibe:to change tacks by turning away from the wind.
Keel: A fixed, ballasted center fin that keeps the boat from sideslipping and provides stability to prevent capsizing or tipping over.
Knot: (1) nautical mile (6,076 feet) per hour.
Layline: the line beyond which you can lay (make) the destination on a close-hauled course with no more tacks.
Leech: the back edge of a sail.
Leeward: downwind; away from the wind.
Luff: (1) the front edge of a sail from the head to the tack. (2) The flapping motion of sailcloth when a sail is undertrimmed (or not trimmed at all).
Mainsail:the aft-most sail on a boat with one mast, normally attached to the mast along its front edge.
Mainsheet:the adjustment rope that pulls the boom (hence the mainsail) in and out.
Mast: the vertical pole that supports sails.
No-sail zone:Zone where a sailboat can't sail; about 90 degrees wide, with the center point being toward the true wind direction.
Port tack:Sailing with the wind coming over the left side of the boat.
Puff:An increase in wind velocity.
Rig:(1) the mast and standing rigging. (2) a term for preparing the boat (or sail or fitting) for use.
Rudder: the underwater fin that steers a boat; controlled by a tiller or wheel on deck.
Sheet: the primary line that adjusts the sail's trim. Usually referred to with the sail it adjusts, as in, "Pull in the mainsheet."
Spinnaker:a big, colorful, parachute-like specialty sail used when sailing downwind.
Standard rigging:all the wires that support the mast, including the forestay, shrouds and backstay.
Starboard tack: sailing with the wind coming over the boat's right side.
Stern: the back end of the boat.
Tack:(1) the front, bottom corner of a sail. (2) the boat's heading in relation to the wind (that is on starboard or port tack) (3) to change tacks by turning toward the wind, entering the no-sail zone from one side and exiting on the other.
Tiller: the lever arm that controls the position of the rudder.
Tiller extension:a device attached to the end of the tiller that enables a person to sit farther outboard while steering.
Trim:(1) to pull in a rope or a sail. (2) the set of sails. (3) the bow-up or bow-down position of the boat when not moving.
Windward:toward the wind; the side the wind blows upon.
Wing the jib:when sailing on a run, to trim the job on the opposite side as the mainsail.
so,rajin2kanlah diri anda mempelajari sesuatu yang baru
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Antara Cinta dan Sayang

Aku mendapat soalan ini daripada seorang pelajar yang sebaya dengan aku.dia sekarang ini menuntut di sekolah agama dekat Kelantan.
Dia bertanyakan kepadaku,`Apakah beza cinta dan sayang'.
Bingung juga aku nak jawab apa.
Adakah nak jawab,`Antara butir-butir yang dilafazkan kepada pasangan kita'.xleh jadi jugakkan.
jadi aku mengambil pendekatan,dengan memberi jawapan yang berbentuk keagamaan gak.huhu.
ini butir yang keluar dari mulutku
`Cinta itu satu,Sayang itu banyak'
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